I’ve changed my DeviantART username.
Hello! I just wanted to post a quick notice today. C:
I have changed my deviantART username from “artigirl” to “DesignsBySloan”.
Why? Because I wanted my social media accounts to be more consistent; I wanted my username to have my actual name “Sloan”; and I thought something more professional would be nice too.
For those who are not familiar with dA:
- I’m on the exact same account, it’s only been renamed.
- Old links/URLs such as artigirl.deviantart.com STILL work, and should always work. However, if you go to that specific page, you will be sent to the new page instead (DesignsBySloan.deviantart.com).
- For more information, read dA’s FAQ on the subject here!
Aaaand that’s pretty much it. Have a great week everybody! ♥