Sing a song~~
Uhm… this is really just a concept image. Lol.
From left to right, it’s Niamhi the Wallaby with her cat, Minibean. Then it’s me, Sloany the squirrel, and Shevi the bunny. 8D Yaaay.
…Nia forced me to work on this |D;; And I like it, even though I drew the arms too long.
…Then a different friend forced me to put this up. o.o;
Drag and drop for full size.
Yes… that’s all I drew that’s scanning worthy :| The rest is incredibly ugly.
(drag and drop for full size)
Just some watercolour abstracts.
Do not use without permission. :C
My skirrrt. Which used a no pattern pattern. YET I STILL MANAGED TO RUIN IT~ otz (click to enlarge)
It reminds me of gypsies. o3o
My pencil case is sparkly. <3 8DDD (click to enlarge)
Pajama pants. My camera did not like them D:
…I like them though.