FMA: Journey (WIP)

20 June 2015

I was thinking last night about how I’d really like to have a Fullmetal Alchemist t-shirt. They exist, but the ones I’ve seen either don’t suit me, I don’t like the fabric, or I don’t like the artwork (actually, there was one case where I liked it except it wasn’t in my size). ANYWAYS! I decided that I’d just have to make my own FMA shirt that fit what I wanted.

I like vintage/muted/natural/flowery clothes, and one of my favourite FMA illustrations by Hiromu Arakawa features the brothers on the train tracks. So with those inspirations in mind, I started doodling ideas and came up with this rough artwork.

I plan on finishing it, but I wanted to post it and get some feedback for a change. I like how it’s going, but I feel that there’s some things I’m probably not thinking of composition-wise, or I’m not entirely sure how to fix (Alphonse looks a little too static to be walking, but considering he’s a suit of armor I’m having difficulties drawing him lol). I might expand the finished image to fill the whole canvas.

I may be asking for a lot, considering how rough this is, but any feedback, in the comments or critiques (wow, a first for me) is welcomed. ^^’

Thanks in advance.

IMPORTANT: My friends lost their dream home to a fire last April. Please take a minute to view their GoFundMe as they’re looking to rebuild. Donations to them are appreciated, but if you can’t, please share the link anywhere you can. Thank you. I also posted about this on Facebook with more info.

Artwork © 2015 Sloan | | DesignsBySloan.deviantart.comFullmetal Alchemist (Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric) © Hiromu ArakawaDo not use without permission.

ARTWORK, Clip Studio Paint, Creation Process, Digital, Fan Art, LIFE WITH SLOAN, Rough Artworks