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Dear Winter; (sketch)

28 January 2014

“Dear Winter”… get it? ‘Cause she’s a deer?

Something I drew in December I believe? I’m not too sure, but it’s slightly more recent than some of my sketches lol. And yes, the branches were drawn on one side and copied/pasted to the other side. I had drawn them properly on both sides, but it became really dark and blurry in the scan, so I figured “meh, it’s just a sketch, I’ll just do a quick fix…”

Also, I thought we’d be free of hawks in the winter for some odd reason, but yesterday I saw a red tailed hawk in our backyard. Got a picture to help identify it/prove it was here but it’s not really good enough to upload. Hopefully this hawk doesn’t stick around long. :I

Artwork and character © 2014 Sloan | designsbysloan.com | artigirl.deviantart.com
Do not use without permission.

ARTWORK, LIFE WITH SLOAN, Original, Sketches, Traditional