Home » DBS UPDATES, LIFE WITH SLOAN » Ai-kon 2018, finished!

Ai-kon 2018, finished!

8 August 2018

Ehehe, this is a little late (oops!)…
But thank you to everyone who stopped by our tables at Ai-kon this year!

With all the nice people we met, the friendly familiar faces and the experiences we shared with our friends, my weekend was definitely made. Honestly, the support and appreciation for us and our hard work never fails to amaze me.

SO! Thank you to the Ai-kon committees and volunteers, all the congoers, the artists and vendors, our friends and table helpers for making our experience what it was. THANK YOU!!
This shaped up to be one of my favourite Ai-kons, personally, and it wouldn’t have been the same without you. ^^

I hope you all had a wonderful Ai-kon weekend and have a good rest-of-the-summer!!

Designs by Sloan

Our current social media masterlist:

Me (Sloan): deviantART | tumblr | facebook | Scurry & Cover webcomic | Ko-fi tip jar | twitter
My sister (Siobhan): website | deviantART | tumblr | twitter
My mom (Colleen): facebook

(Please feel free to contact any of us for custom artwork/commission quotes, too!)