Monthly Archives: January 2012

Ai-kon Mascot Entry 2012 #02

22 January 2012

Drag and drop for full view!

Ai-kon mascot contest entry, two out of two~

Some people from DeviantART might recognize the theme. I originally posted the sketch there for critiques, but it was.. well, I ended up scrapping it after that LOL. ;A; The perspective was from above before, and I just wasn’t feeling it. And when I went to do the line art, it just looked so wrong.. :c I’M SORRY GUYSSS

For this one, I got the pose idea first and then the outfit later. For my first entry, I did the design first and pose last. Rofl.

This one ended up being a bit messier too.. I had a week left so I rushed it. I hope it’s still okay. Oh, and I also tried making this one a bit more “shonen” than the other. 8D;;
Background just added for posting~!

Wish me luck!!

Edit, July 25, 2012: changed the background slightly so it would look better as a print! c: You can find the old version here. Thank you!

Ai-kon Mascot Entry 2012 #01

22 January 2012

This is for the Ai-kon mascot contest! :3 My first entry of two.
The contest ended this morning/last night, so it’s time for posting!

Anyways, added a background just for posting~
This one’s kinda boring pose-wise, but I like her design. I also had fun doing her hair differently, rather than the usual pretty long hair. ;u; Sorry if the colours are uber bright… they’re not supposed to be ORZ

Last year I got third place. I’m hoping to get atleast that again~ Wish me luck!

a . h e a v y . h e a r t

13 January 2012

Drag and drop for full view! It’s prettier that way! ;u;

I drew something like this a while back, and never made it past the line art stage. Then last night, I was just doodling and.. this happened. (Don’t worry, I’m not depressed! I’m just playing with different art styles. :3)

For the colouring style, I kind of aimed to have it look like it was done with watercolours, even though it’s digital. (Kinda like `yuumei‘s art is like) :3

Dragonfly girl

11 January 2012

This summer was amazing; every where we looked, there were just.. so many dragonflies! (And no mosquitoes, teehee) It gave me an idea for this steampunk character. I didn’t really draw her until today, though..
She’s nameless for now. Also, still working on her colour scheme. And personality. And.. everything. oAo;;

But yeah. I just really wanted to draw (and kind of finish) something today. I’ve been drawing a bit since new years, but I haven’t gotten far with anything. :c So it’s a quick picture, but whatever. Felt great drawing it. Though I fought a bit with her face afterwards.. orz